VirtuAir: The Virtual Musical Instrument & Golf Controler for your PC
* This Virtual Golf and Musical Instrument Controller lets you play 6
* All you do is move your hands in the air and pretend your playing the
* The hi-tech controller reads where your hands are in 3d space without wires,
* Comes with GREAT SOFTWARE that makes it VERY simple to control it!
* Also lets you play Microsoft Golf 98 just by swinging your REAL golf club
* Calculates distance,speed, and angle and launches your ball right in the
* Actually feels like your playing golf! Easy 3 minute install, just plug it in to
* Requires Microsoft Golf 98 (for golf), Pentium 100 or faster, Sound card,
* Additional songs and instruments can be purchased for $30.00.
Only $139.00 (includes shipping)